Nc ecourts smart search. Search Portal by name, citation number, county, and more.

Nc ecourts smart search Find a courthouse eCourts Now Available in 49 Counties*. Durham, NC You must be logged in to use this application. Search Methods. In SMART SEARCH, members of the public can find a Smart Search 16 Advanced Filtering 20 Wildcard 37 Register of Actions Search Results 65 TABLE OF CONTENTS . North Carolina Judicial Center 901 Corporate Center Drive, Raleigh, NC 27607. eCourts Information. Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. As Kansas courts moved to a new case management system following the Kansas eCourt Statewide Rollout Plan, their public records became available through an online portal. John Doe would be searched: Doe 2. Find info, training, resources, and upcoming counties in February 2025. Forms. View eCourts services available including payments, eFiling, Portal, case information, and more. Recommendation: Portal SMART SEARCH provides users with a detailed Register of Action, which encompasses all public information. View civil court calendars. As with any new technology, it is not unusual for there to be challenges, especially in the beginning stages. Case Search ***** NORTH CAROLINA JUDICIAL BRANCH ACCESS AND USE OBLIGATIONS ***** Warning! This application is owned or licensed by the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts (“NCAOC”) for use by the North Carolina Judicial Branch. 910-814 must navigate to the SMART SEARCH portlet. The 11 counties in Track 6 of the eCourts rollout are: Anson, Cabarrus, Cumberland, Hoke, Montgomery, Moore, Randolph, Richmond, Scotland, Stanly, and Union. eCourts is an initiative of the North Carolina Judicial Branch to modernize our court system with the latest applications and technologies, taking the court system from paper to digital Portal users can now see calculated interest. , Monday through Friday. tylertech. Last name only, with wildcard (*) Search and view case details. More Information. 1. In SMART SEARCH, members of the public can find a eCourts is officially live in 13 additional counties today, February 3, 2025: Bladen, Brunswick, Carteret, Columbus, Craven, Duplin, Jones, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, Pender, Robeson, and Sampson counties. Please contact your county Clerk of Court for the current amounts and totals owed. Researchers may conduct a name-based record search on the eCourts Smart Search portal. Search Portal by name, citation number, county, and more. cloud/Portal/ or Scan the eCourts Information. Services. Internet Explorer 9 Users Internet Explorer 11 launched on October 17, 2013, and as a result, we've discontinued support for Internet Explorer 9. C. 19. Dates were announced this week for the final two groups of counties and Business Court to expand access to justice with eCourts. Non-eCourts Counties Only: Search for upcoming criminal and infraction cases by county, court type, and defendant name. If your problem relates to a Pennsylvania court case, please provide its unique alpha-numeric docket number. Eleven North Carolina counties comprise Track 6 of the eCourts implementation project. For any eCourts application questions, please visit the eCourts hub at NCcourts. Below are the steps to perform a Statewide Warrant Search for persons currently eCourts FAQs; Attorneys: Update your profile at NC Bar Member Portal to include a mailing address, phone number, and email to be used for Rule 5(b1) of the Rules of Civil Procedure. Use name, case number, attorney name, and suspect’s name. NC 27607. – 1 p. Find information, services, training, and resources related to eCourts. The easiest and fastest way of locating a docket may be via the docket number. NOTES 3 eCourts Portal, a Tyler Technologies product, is designed for users to view court calendars, information, records, pay fees https://portal-nc. In SMART SEARCH, members of the public can find a detailed listing of a court file’s timeline that would include the Case Summary, Case Weddings will be conducted by appointment only Monday through Friday, from 2:00 until 4:30 p. cloud/Portal/ or Scan the Recommendation: SMART SEARCH provides users with a detailed Register of Action, which encompasses all public information. Inaugural Meeting Tuesday, August 20, 2019 SMART SEARCH 15. Smart v State of NC . nhecourt. 2. Court records may be searched by record number or the full name of a party involved in Search using eCourt public access portal. View criminal court calendars. The NC DMV (or the DMV in your home state if you are licensed elsewhere) can assess points or take other action against your driver’s license for traffic violations if you are found guilty or responsible, including by waiving the offense. For example: Recommendation: Portal SMART SEARCH provides users with a detailed Register of Action, which encompasses all public information. Search Menu Search Quick links. NC Judgment Search is an application in Portal that satisfies the requirement in N. Court Dates. eCourts eFiling (File & Serve) Secure online access for attorneys and self-represented litigants to submit court documents online to the clerk's office in eCourts counties. Non-eCourts Counties Only: must navigate to the SMART SEARCH portlet. Dates Announced for 27 Counties and N. Wednesday, November 20, 2019 11 a. To view all the online options available to you, please have your citation in hand. If you have multiple eFile NC is a service that allows users to file and serve documents electronically in North Carolina courts. SMART SEARCH 15. eCourts comprises several enterprise-level software systems that work together to provide integrated case management for courthouse officials and employees as well as electronic access for the public. The information that Find public court case information, written opinions, attorney discipline matters, and more. Child Support Division; Civil Division; Criminal & Traffic Division; Asheville, NC 28801-3519 Courier Box Number: 12-79-02. 301 W. How do I search for a case in eCourts Portal? For best results, please review the Advanced User Guide on the eCourts Portal page. Divisions. Chief Justice Paul Newby Makes Judicial Appointments. In addition to the party's name, one may search by case numbers, business names, attorney names, attorney bar numbers, NC 27601 Phone: (919) 645-1700. For nearly half a century, Lawyers Mutual has been the smart choice for professional liability coverage for North Carolina attorneys. Track 3 counties include Beaufort, Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hyde, Martin, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Tyrrell, and Washington counties. Learn how to file court documents (forfeitures) online with the clerk’s office, access the online portal for court information, search court dates, pay fines and fees, and explore other important resources. Track 6 launched on October 14, 2024. File court documents** or view case info (registration required) in select counties for domestic violence cases. Search By Case Number We can access dockets by selecting “Smart Search” from the home page of the eCourts Portal. Help Topics. For additional information including the portal guide, registration and FAQs, please visit the eCourts page of the NC Courts website. eCourts FAQs; Attorneys: Update your profile at NC Bar Member Portal to include a mailing address, phone number, and email to be used for Rule 5(b1) of the Rules of Civil Procedure. Top stories. Business Court (Tracks 9-11) to Expand Access to Justice; eCourts is Now Live in 13 More Counties on N. Civil Calendars. Users can navigate to a case using SmartSearch and then scroll to the Financial Information section to see the “Calculated interest as of” the date being viewed. cloud/Portal/ or Scan the QR Code Step 2 The Portal Home Screen Portal - search for case information or court dates, make payments On-Demand Training and Resources. Additional information regarding Portal SMART SEARCH functionality can be found in the Portal Overview Guide. Name Field: Conduct multiple searches in various forms of Name, as follows: o Human Name: 1. Civil eFiling. eCourts Counties Only: Find civil and criminal calendars by county and court type. Search statewide judicial forms by keyword Register for eCourts trainings and access education materials, screenshot reference guides, FAQs, and other resources supporting the transition, at NCcourts. The Mecklenburg County Clerk of Superior Court Office is open to the public between the hours of 9:00 a. North Carolina Judicial Branch eCourts Portal FAQ | NCAOC - BAPM Page 4 of 8 SEARCH houses crucial information and should be used in conjunction with NC JUDGMENT SEARCH to provide the most detailed listing of information. Criminal Division 828-259-3402; Civil Division 828-259-3400; Small Claims 828-259-3407; Estates 828-259-3404; Search Portal by name, citation number, county, and more. Portal is an eCourts information system where public records can be accessed online. Find information, training, policies, and procedures related to eCourts for Lee County. Recent updates to Judgment Search were implemented on May 28, 2023. In SMART SEARCH, Smart Search 16 Advanced Filtering 20 Wildcard 37 Search Results 65 TABLE OF CONTENTS . By Non-eCourts Counties Only: Find upcoming criminal case schedules by county and date. Click on NC Judgment Search 2. How do I search for a case in eCourts Portal? SMART SEARCH provides users with a detailed and near to “real-time” Case Summary (also known as the Register of Actions). Zoom out: CTRL - or Scroll Wheel. at the Mecklenburg County Courthouse. Smart Search 15 Wild Card 36 Register of Actions 39 Search Results 65 TABLE OF CONTENTS . Find links to eCourts portal, training materials, guides, videos, and FAQs. Learn about eCourts, the new computer system for the North Carolina Court System, and how to access its features and services. This application searches both NCAWARE and ACIS databases for Unserved processes and places the returns in a single screen. Find information, training, policies, and procedures related to eCourts for Harnett View criminal court calendars. If you are a member of the public, enter a record number or name last, first ,middle, suffix format. Appointments must be made online by clicking here to confirm. November 6, 2024 , Press Release. gov/eCourts. Our new eCourts Integrated Case Management System (ICMS) will be vendor supported and cloud hosted eCourts is an initiative of the North Carolina Judicial Branch to modernize our court system with the latest applications and technologies, taking the court system from paper to digital and from 20th century mainframes to cloud-based technologies. Smart Search 7 Register of Actions 28 Wild Card Search 30 Judgment Search 33 Make Payments 39 Search Hearings 45 Search Results 53 Logging into Portal 54 Elevated Access 55 TABLE OF CONTENTS . Court ecourts goes live in wake county february 13. You may now view your electronically filed cases from home or from your office. It allows the public to file cases, search court records, and pay fines online. ABOUT eCOURTS For many years, the North Carolina court system case management application portfolio has relied on IBM mainframe technology, which is more complex to maintain and support. Search buncombecounty. How do I search for a case in eCourts Portal? SMART SEARCH provides users with a detailed and near to “real-time” Case Summary, also known as the Register of Actions, listing of their case information. Perform smart searches by party name, record number, citation number, attorney bar number, attorney name, business name, case cross-reference number, or nickname; Search for court In counties that have implemented Odyssey, eCourts Portal allows the general public and registered users to electronically view court case information and documents, search court We can access dockets by selecting “Smart Search” from the home page of the eCourts Portal. By North Carolina Judicial Branch. Civil View criminal court calendars. Again, the Judicial Branch is excited for eCourts to launch in Track 7, and we remain committed to making this monumental transition as seamless as possible for all involved. Search and view case information and documents (public). Mecklenburg County court records may be accessed in several ways. Everyone makes mistakes. How to Use Public Portal Smart Search Kansas District Court Public Access Portal. eCourts is now available across 62 counties from the mountains to the coast with electronic Zoom in: CTRL + or Scroll Wheel. us/portal. Track 4 of eCourts goes live April 29, 2024, and is the largest track of the rollout schedule based on its volume of legal filings. Online Inquiry. On February 3, 2025, eCourts will launch in Track 7 counties: Bladen, Brunswick, Carteret, Columbus, Craven, Duplin, Jones, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, Pender, Robeson, and Sampson. To assist with the tracking and processing of Unserved (outstanding) processes, the Statewide Warrant Search application is provided. Get started. Find answers to common questions about legal issues. What is eCourts? eCourts is a package of new software applications and technology infrastructure improvements that will transition our court system from paper to digital. and 5:00 p. How-to guides and links provided. SMART SEARCH houses crucial information and should be used in conjunction with NC JUDGMENT SEARCH to provide the most detailed listing of information. Portal - search for case information or court dates, make payments On-Demand Training and Resources. This includes eFiling, Portal, and Enterprise Justice (Odyssey). Anonymous Users: Users Search by name, citation number, county, and more. Refer to Portal Overview Guide for additional information. Users can also access court information, pay fines and fees, and use eCourts for Smart Search: Provides users with a detailed and near to “real-time” Case Summary (also known as the Register of Actions). NOTES 3 eCourts Portal, a Tyler Technologies product, is designed for users to view court calendars Juvenile-CIPRS, Pay NC Ticket, OCAP, etc. org Clerk of Superior Court. If you do not find your citation, it is possible that your citation was issued in one of the counties that use eCourts services. How to 1. A Smart Search will return a maximum of 200 results. Search our databases, request records, and find civil, criminal, tax, and judicial cases. To find the list of counties where eCourts services are currently available, click here. Perform smart searches by party name, record number, citation number, attorney bar number, attorney name, business name, case cross-reference number, or nickname; Search for court dates and hearings by case number, party name, business name, attorney name 301 W. When it happens to you, Lawyers Mutual has your back. Some functionality requires users to register for accounts on these systems. Court eCourts FAQs; Attorneys: Update your profile at NC Bar Member Portal to include a mailing address, phone number, and email to be used for Rule 5(b1) of the Rules of Civil Procedure. For information and instructions on how to register for Case Access Portal, click here: https://odypa. cloud/Portal/ or Scan the QR Code Step 2 The Portal Home eCourts Information. Find a court date. m. D. , Portal is an online application allowing users to view court calendars, information Access court records for Wake County District Court, NC. Stat. If you are performing a background checks, use the county clerk’s office not the Portal. NOTES 3 eCourts Portal, a Tyler Technologies product, is Step 1 Click on the link, https://portal-nc. Facility to search the Acts from the Act list is also provided, since the Act List is very long. Portal NC JUDGMENT SEARCH references the amounts and totals owed based on the original Judgment date. Last name only Ex. eCourts Counties Civil and Criminal Calendars. Portal allows the general public and registered users to access court information in eCourts counties including: Perform smart searches by party name, record number, citation number, Portal allows the general public and registered users to access court information online in eCourts counties, including searching for court dates and records, and making payments for fines and To find the list of counties where eCourts services are currently available, click here. (after go live, users in that county will have inquiry-only access). Access court information in eCourts counties, perform smart searches, find court dates, view case information, and make payments. Enter a few letters of the Act Description in the Search Act box and press the Search button. Proceed to Login The state is phasing the new electronic court system into all 100 counties by the end of 2025. NCAOC will transition from legacy online services to the new eCourts services. File court documents, pay filing fees, send court notices, and more (registration required). Portal NC JUDGMENT SEARCH references the amounts and totals owed based on the original Here’s are some search guidelines found by clicking the question mark on the Smart Search search screen: NC Judgment Search . eFiling in eCourts Counties Search statewide judicial forms by keyword, form number, and more. Smart Search Criteria must be changed to search. SMART SEARCH provides users with a detailed and near “real-time” ase Summary (also known as the Register of Actions). By default, you can search by docket number or party name in Smart Search. Learn more. Files. Wake County Courthouse (Superior Court) Suite 2050 316 Fayetteville Street Raleigh, MC 27601 Phone: (919 eCourts Information. 7A-109(b)(6) to have a public index for judgments, has implemented changes in the eCourts pilot phase to enhance the Smart Search and Judgment Search applications. Child support; incorporated separation agreement . Access court information online, search court dates, and pay fines and fees using Portal. According to an employee in the clerk’s office, people can still search for records in-person, however the self-service kiosks located on the second floor of the New Hanover County courthouse will be replaced with new kiosks that are compatible with the eCourts system in The court system reports final convictions and findings of responsibility for traffic violations to the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles (NC DMV). Superior Court case search has moved to Odyssey Portal for the following case types (Phase 1): Civil Division cases, including Landlord and Tenant and Small Claims; Civil cases in the Tax Division; Probate Division; Office of the Auditor Master (NEW) Please click on the below search button to take you to the new Odyssey Portal. 910-814-4600. NOTES 3 eCourts Portal, a Tyler Technologies product, is designed for users to view court calendars, information, records, pay fees and fines https://portal-nc. In SMART SEARCH, members of the public can find a Statewide Person Search. Find information, training, policies, and procedures related to eCourts for Wake County. eCourts is a project of the NCAOC; the Office of Indigent Defense Services will continue to support the NCAOC in working to be responsive to the problems that have been reported thus far. For eCourts: You may search online for case information and court records by name, case number, attorney, and more. Search statewide judicial forms and filter by keyword, General Statute, form number, form title, etc. Guardian ad Litem Program. Find information, training, policies, and procedures related to eCourts for Johnston View criminal court calendars. User Agreement for Public Access Portal Search by name, citation number, county, and more. All the Acts matching the search criteria are displayed in the Act Type select box. Portal NC JUDGMENT SEARCH references the amounts and totals owed based on the original eCourts Portal : replacing legacy court applications, improving public touchpoints, North Carolina, United States, At head of title: eCourts portal, Users are responsible for determining the legal status of and securing any permissions necessary to distribute, reproduce, or make other use of this item. Find a form. To support the transition from paper records to electronic filing and case management, there will be significant adjustments to courthouse operations beginning the Search Portal by name, citation number, county, and more. Cornelius Harnett Blvd, Ste 100, Lillington, NC 27546. Additional information regarding Portal’s NC JUDGMENT SEARCH can be found on the eCourts Portal Page. Find your local GAL program. For eCourts records, search the Portal online for case information. Additional Fax Numbers. Register with eCourts Systems. Search statewide judicial forms by keyword, form number, and more. eCourts Portal. gov/eCourts or email [email protected]. Find eCourts training registration information and resources for the legal community and upcoming Track 6 counties launching in October. SMART SEARCH has Advanced Filtering Options (Civil Actions, Special Proceedings (non-confidential), Estates, and Criminal Actions), in accordance with NCGS 7A-109(b)(1-4). Track 4 of eCourts goes live April 29, 2024, and is the Search Menu Search Quick links. Overview guide, training videos, FAQs, search tips, and advanced guides; How to register, elevated access guides, and more resources Guide & File - guided interviews to prepare court documents, eFiling is available for certain case types. Smart Search 7 Register of Actions 24 Wild Card Search 26 Judgment Search 27 Make Payments 34 Search Hearings 39 Search Results 47 Logging into Portal 48 Elevated Access 49 TABLE OF CONTENTS . Criminal Calendars. SMART SEARCH 12. By North Carolina Recommendation: Portal SMART SEARCH provides users with a detailed Register of Action, which encompasses all public information. 910-814-4560. Coastline Search for the date, time, and location of a court appearance, citation number, and more. Gen. Portal NC JUDGMENT SEARCH references the amounts and totals owed based on the original Search Portal by name, citation number, county, and more. Business Need: Judgment information Recommendation: The NC JUDGMENT SEARCH in Portal functions as an external tool to allow Find or search for the judicial forms you need to fill out for your Dates were announced this week for the final two groups of counties and Business Court to expand access to justice with eCourts. Individuals performing background checks should use the county clerk's office for doing so, not Portal. Business Court eFiling. For example: A comprehensive guide to the new North Carolina eCourts system, featuring essential information for bail bondsmen. If North Carolina Judicial Branch eCourts Portal Elevated Roles | NCAOC - BAPM Page 2 of 3 o An Odyssey ACTIVE Juvenile Parent, Guardian, or Custodian of record o A person named in the Petition as the Juvenile o The Respondent of a Special Proceeding Confidential Case (SPCC) How do In anticipation of eCourts launching in Track 3 (12 counties) in February 2024, the NCAOC has scheduled Portal training sessions and File & Serve (eFiling) training sessions for attorneys and judicial partners. . All Magisterial District Court docket numbers begin with ‘MJ’ and follow a similar format (Examples: MJ-51301-TR-0009999-2017, MJ-51301-NT-0008888-2017). Case Status : Search by Act Type. eCourts is currently available across 49 From the home page, Click on “Smart Search” In the “Search Criteria Box”, Enter the Case Number with no spaces and include the dash and county code Example: 24CR358471-440 Click on “Submit” The specific case you are looking for should show on the “Search Results”. fgrd sqya tixo ysyqp zonfr dqvrjq hfia nzppfu myk cucydkp kgwfs plediq cjxzvby vrps nupjhcm